
How this project was born

Help us find the answers about the Canadian immigration system everyone wants to know

Our team first came in contact with a group of Canadians sponsoring their non-Canadian spouses to become Permanent Residents under the Inland Spousal Sponsorship program. They told us their stories and how they felt their Government wasn't giving them the answers they deserved.

Many of them support their families on a single income, their spouses don't have access to healthcare or education, and the family can't travel abroad because they risk losing their entire application.

We also came in contact with some of the affected applicants for Permanent Residency that saw their applications transferred and then forgotten for years after the Canadian Consulate in Buffalo was closed.

They were deemed "the forgotten of Buffalo", and they faced unprecedentedly long processing times for their PR applications while in Canada, many of them not allowed to work in the meantime.

After creating social media outlets for this documentary, we started receiving more and more testimonials about how the Canadian Immigration system was not fulfilling the needs of both Canadians and foreigners.

flag flap / Spatial Mongrel / CC BY

Among them, we were contacted by many applicants of the Canadian Experience Class. This program was aimed at attracting international students and workers with higher chances of integration in the Canadian society to stay as Permanent Residents. However, these potential residents were forgotten by the Canadian Government when the new Express Entry system came into place.

Other testimonials we received include applicants to Canadian Citizenship that have seen their applications delayed for up to six years, allegedly without apparent reason.

After learning about all these cases, we decided to seek for answers. Why are processing times increasing for some categories and what is Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) doing to improve this? Why are Canadian immigration programs constantly changing and applying these changes retroactively? How do all these problems in Canadian immigration affect the country and the economy?

Follow us if you want to find answers as much as we do. Either an affected applicant, a journalist or just a concerned Canadian, this journey might interest you. Feel free to fill the form to your right to receive exclusive updates and information about our project.


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